We Love Riverside!
Dr. Harris and his team understand the importance of community involvement and dental outreach. He has been serving the community through volunteer dentistry since he was a student at Loma Linda University. He participates in and supports various programs such as Miles of Smiles, Project K.I.N.D., Give Kids a Smile, Riverside Humane Society, the Pick Group and Headstart Program. He has also traveled on humanitarian missions to South Africa, Malawi and Mexico.
“Donating my time to people who would otherwise be unable to access essential dental care is the ultimate reward,” says Dr Harris. “A small investment of time can make a huge difference in people’s lives.”
Our practice also interacts with the community through dental outreach, contests, website blog and social media.
Latest Events
Habitat for Humanity – “Over the Edge”
Dr. Harris’ office raised over $1,700 towards a Habitat for Humanity project here in Riverside designed to help veterans. The goal was to provide homes for the veterans along with access to educational opportunities to help them thrive. The actual event was called “Over the Edge” where Dr. Harris rappelled down the largest building in Riverside, 16 stories down.
2nd Annual Mt Rubidoux Hike to Promote Dental Health Awareness
Mount Rubidoux continues to be an important landmark and valued asset to the people of Riverside. Every year, our team spends the morning hiking the mountain with family, friends & patients from our office. Along with fresh air and exercise, we enjoy interacting with the people of Riverside and sharing important dental health tips along the way. We haven’t had any complaints about the quality toothbrushes that come along with it!
California Care Force
Our team dedicates time to volunteer for California CareForce every year. California CareForce is a non-profit foundation that provides free health, dental and vision services to California residents. Just like our office California CareForce’s mission is to ensure Californians are healthy regardless of income, status, or education. Our clinical staff delivers quality care to patients while our administrative staff helps with organization and facilitation.